75. Rivero-Crespo, Miguel Ángel; Mon, Marta; Ferrando-Soria, Jesús; Lopes, Christian. W.; Boronat, Mercedes; Leyva Pérez, Antonio; Avelino Corma Canós; Hernández-Garrido, Juan Carlos; López-Haro, Miguel; Calvino, Jose J.; Ramos Fernández, Enrique V.; Armentano, Donatella; Pardo, Emilio. Confined Pt11+ Water Clusters in a MOF Catalyze the Low-Temperature Water–Gas Shift Reaction with both CO2 Oxygen Atoms Coming from Water. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 17094-17099.

74. María Tejeda-Serrano, Marta Mon, Bethany Ross, Francisco Gonell, Jesús Ferrando-Soria, Avelino Corma, Antonio Leyva-Pérez, Donatella Armentano, Emilio Pardo. Isolated Fe(III)−O Sites Catalyze the Hydrogenation of Acetylene in Ethylene Flows under Front-End Industrial Conditions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 8827–8832.

73. Marta Mon, Miguel A. Rivero-Crespo, Jesús Ferrando-Soria, Alejandro Vidal-Moya, Mercedes Boronat, Antonio Leyva-Pérez, Avelino Corma, Juan C. Hernández-Garrido, Miguel López-Haro, José J. Calvino, Giulio Ragazzon, Alberto Credi, Donatella Armentano, Emilio Pardo. Synthesis of Densely Packaged, Ultrasmall Pt0 2 Clusters within a Thioether-Functionalized MOF: Catalytic Activity in Industrial Reactions at Low Temperature. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 6186–6191.

72. Judit Oliver-Meseguer, Mercedes Boronat, Alejandro Vidal-Moya, Patricia Concepción, Miguel Ángel Rivero-Crespo, Antonio Leyva-Pérez, and Avelino Corma. Generation and Reactivity of Electron-Rich Carbenes on the Surface of Catalytic Gold Nanoparticles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 3215−3218.

71. María Tejeda Serrano; Adam, Rosa; Ferrando-Soria, Jesús; Corma, Avelino; Armentano, Donatella; Pardo, Emilio; Antonio Leyva Pérez. Stabilized Ru[(H2O)6]3+ in Confined Spaces (MOFs and Zeolites) Cata-lyzes the Imination of Primary Alcohols under Atmospheric Conditions with Wide Scope. ACS Catal. 2018, 8, 10401-10406.

70. Avelino Corma, Antonio Leyva-Pérez and Miguel Ángel Rivero-Crespo. Ligand-free subnanometre gold metal clusters and their applications. RSC book series Catalysis, volume 30. 2018.